All these dark thoughts
Running through my Brain
Feeling all this power
As I cause you a lot of pain
See you there bleeding
And all that precious gore
You are begging to make it stop
But that just makes me want it more
So powerful and tough
Now you beg for mercy
But how much of you
Will I leave for her to see
Shall she see you
Crying in a puddle of red
Or shall she find you
Completely mutated and dead
From the day I first saw you
I knew I could not rest
Until I got to witness
Blood coming from your chest
I regret getting too excited
When I first struck with the knife
I should have made shallow cuts
To help prolong your worthless life
I will do much better
When I finish the loose end
Take my time and move slower
When it comes to your girlfriend
I am sick of the begging
Crying that you are too young
But all of that will stop
As I take out your tongue
I do want you to see everything
And this is not a lie
What happens to her
With your one good eye
Hear every ghastly scream
As she calls out in fear
Which is the reason why
I only ripped off one ear
Nothing really to smell
Which is why, I suppose
I had absolutely no problem
Biting off your nose
Oh the horror on her face
Seeing your exposed guts
And I can't even imagine
When she sees your nuts
See and hear everything
I am going to do to your whore
Time to get ready
Cause I hear her at the door
You may wonder why
Why I choose you two
It's because you were home
And I had nothing better to do